Restoration Windows

Old House Authority window experts carefully remove windows, repair, and reinstall them.
There’s no substitute for your original windows. Beyond the beauty of their unique proportions, there is the pleasure of viewing the world through old, wavy glass. Old growth wood and traditional joinery outperform today’s quickly harvested wood mechanically stapled together. Your original handcrafted windows will even outlast vinyl (i.e. plastic) replacements, which are made from non-renewable resources, are environmentally unkind and age poorly.
Old Houses Authority will restore your windows, combining old world craftsmanship with modern weather-stripping materials and storm windows to give you the best of both worlds. We preserve the window’s charm and provide maximum energy efficiency. As if that weren’t enough, you can receive financial rewards for preserving your old windows in the form of:
- Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits
- Cost savings due to their longevity

Instead of restoring the original arched windows, stock replacements were installed.
Old House Authority believes that exterior storm windows offer the best protection for your windows and the old glass in them. Our invisible storm windows combine tubular aluminum extrusions, tongue and groove sash seal, and close tolerances between sash and frame for serious performance. Old houses present unique challenges to storm windows. Often, the windows are not plumb and stock windows won’t fit. Also, some historic district guidelines prohibit visible exterior modification. However, our windows are custom-made with an expander to fit into window openings are out of square. And because they fit flush within the existing window opening, its often difficult to detect a storm window has been installed.
Contact us for a consultation on your windows (for now, central Virginia only) at or 804.648.1616.
Related pages:
Products: Custom Storm Windows
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Article: Window Repair
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Experts: Window Repair